As we at MamaSezz well know, changing to a healthy vegan diet can change your life in ways you never expected. When you have your child or parent by your side, it can make the transition even more powerful. In this series, we talk with some of the world’s most soulful, dedicated (and often funny) individuals. We get to hear their stories of suffering, transformation, and service — and we learn how food is an essential part of their journey.
Today we tell the stories of 3 mother-daughter duos who went plant-based for health, and reversed disease along the way. Having the support of a family member during a big transition can affect the success of your outcome! Who you surround yourself with has drastic effects on your health, so it's important to choose your circle wisely. And what a better support system than family?!
The MamaSezz Story: How Healthy Vegan Meals Saved Millie
Millie was diagnosed with congestive heart failure. She was sent home to be on Hospice Care and get her affairs in order. Her daughter, Meg, did not take this sitting down, so she started to educate herself. She was determined to get to the root of the cause and read Preventing and Reversing Heart Disease by Dr. Esselstyn. Soon after, Meg started feeding her mother healthy vegan meals. She followed a strict whole food plant-based diet and ate the meals herself too. As Millie started to heal, Meg noticed that this diet was having a positive effect on her own health as well. The mother-daughter team proved that the right foods can reverse disease. Today, Millie is in her 90's, and has normal heart function. Check out Meg and Millie's Story.
Millie and her Granddaughter
How a Healthy Vegan Diet Put 4 Autoimmune Diseases in Remission
Carolyn suffered from Ulcerative Colitis for over 40 years, along with three other serious auto-immune diseases, and her digestive health was in ruins. Because UC can make life very uncomfortable, Carolyn was on a series of medications to keep the symptoms at bay. The side effects of these medications, coupled with the pain of her condition, made day-to-day life very difficult during flares. Her doctor tired to convince her that diet didn’t play a role, but Carolyn's intuition lead her to cut out gluten. Her daughter, Caroline, who was just learning about a healthy vegan diet in college, convinced her to cut out animal products as well, and so she did! Instantly, she noticed a difference, and so did Caroline!
Today, Carolyn is off all her medications, her blood work is better than ever, and her auto-immune diseases are in remission. Learn more about Carolyn's story.
Carolyn and Caroline
How Healthy Vegan Meals Saved Victoria From Heart Disease
Michelle, a plant-based health coach, was devastated when her mother was diagnosed with heart disease and was prescribed a plethora of medications, without any advice on lifestyle change. Luckily, Michelle had helped a friend reverse her heart disease in the past, which lead her towards eating healthy vegan meals, with a focus on whole foods. Michelle had seen a huge difference in her own health, which helped her to guide her mother, Victoria, towards success. When Victoria felt discouraged, Michelle was right there to encourage and support her. Today, Victoria is healthy, thriving, and never had to go on the heart medication she was prescribed. Read Michelle and Victoria's story.
Michelle and Victoria
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