As we at MamaSezz well know, changing to a plant-based diet can change your life in ways you never expected. In this series, we talk with some of the world’s most soulful, dedicated (and often funny) individuals. We get to hear their stories of suffering, transformation, and service — and we learn how food is an essential part of their journey. They asked "what is a healthy diet?" and they found their answer with healthy vegan meals.
This week, we talked with 3 former fast-food junkies that were suffering from chronic conditions. Their bodies and lives were crippled with pain, and they were begging to spend the bulk of their time at the doctors, and sorting prescription medication. This wasn't living, and they were unsure about how to make a change, beyond the doctor's orders. Little by little, they began to ask themselves if diet played a role in their health. What even is a healthy diet? Finally, they gave a plant-based diet a try, and the results were incredible. The best part? They truly enjoy eating healthy vegan meals, and their bodies have transformed from the inside out.
1. From Junk Food Fanatic, Ready for Surgery, to Famous Plant-Based Chef
Chef AJ always loved food, but didn't become a Chef later in life when she was forced to change her diet and ask herself, "What is a healthy diet? And will eating this way save me from having to undergo surgery?"
2 liters of soda was a norm, along with other sugary and caffeinated beverages and junk foods. After a scary diagnosis, and the potential for surgery, AJ decided to go all-in, and detox from caffeine and sugar. This was a painful process. She then learned to create healthy vegan meals for herself, and after losing a tremendous amount of weight and avoiding surgery, she decided to share her findings with the world. Check out the Chef AJ bundle with MamaSezz, and read more about Chef AJ's story.
2. From Overweight McDonald's Monger to Healthy Vegan Meals Machine: 70 lbs Later
The moment Brandon looked into his newborn daughter's eyes he know, something had to change. He wanted to be there to walk her down the aisle, to dance with her at her wedding, and see her graduate. At this point in his life, Brandon was so unhealthy that he wasn't sure that was a possibility. Right then and there, he decided to hop on the MamaSezz Guaranteed Weight Loss Program and let healthy vegan meals heal his body. After just 4 weeks, Brandon was down 30 lbs, and just kept on losing from there. Check out Brandon's full story.
Try the program that was so successful for Brandon: Lose weight naturally with the MamaSezz Guaranteed Weight Loss Bundle.
3. From Snack Food Junkie with MS, to Healthy Vegan Meals Lover Living Symptom-Free
At 31 years old, Sarah was struggling with crippling pain. Her diagnosis came soon after: Multiple Sclerosis. How could this happen? Sarah felt as though she didn't have control over her health until she came across a book called Overcoming MS. Right then and there, she switched to eating whole food, healthy vegan meals, and never looked back. Here's what happened when Sarah went plant based.
Ready to kickstart your own plant-based weight loss journey?
Lose weight naturally with the MamaSezz Guaranteed Weight Loss Bundle.
No calorie counting, no gaining back the weight just a few weeks later. Flood your body with nutrients by eating tasty, comforting, and satisfying whole food plant-based meals - and lose weight easily. Get started today.