As we at MamaSezz well know, changing to a plant-based diet can change your life in ways you never expected. For some, healthy vegan meals can reverse heart disease. Then, for others, healthy vegan meals can lower cholesterol. In this series, we talk with some of the world’s most soulful, dedicated (and often funny) individuals. We get to hear their stories of suffering, transformation, and service — and we learn how healthy vegan meals are an essential part of their journey.
Today we share the stories of two women, who have never met but share a similar story. Both were diagnosed with Ulcerative Colitis, a painful and uncomfortable digestive disease that causes inflammation and ulcers in the digestive tract. After years of struggling with the disease, and working with countless doctors who claimed that UC had nothing to do with diet, both women decided to take matters into their own hands and learn more about a healthy vegan diet. After all, why wouldn't a digestive disease be related to the digestion of food? Here are their stories.
But first, what's the science behind curing UC with diet? Let's let Dr. Greger break it down:
Carolyn's Story: No more UC after a switch to a healthy vegan diet
Carolyn's story proves that even when you're down, never give up!
"Life goes up and down and I was definitely in a down. I was in the process of a divorce from a marriage of 40 years. I was also trying to recover from Lyme disease that I had been struggling with for over six years. If that was not enough I was also coping with the autoimmune diseases of lupus, colitis and hypothyroidism while trying to keep myself centered as I tried to find a permanent place in which to live. To add just a bit more insult to injury, I was dealing with the demands of helping an elderly parent, one unwell sibling, and an elderly brother with Down Syndrome, all three residing three states away."
When the body encounters emotional stress, is causes inflammation and can trigger autoimmune diseases to flare. Because of this, Carolyn was surprised that during such a stressful time, her body was actually healing. What was different? Her diet. Here's how Carolyn went into remission, and went off all of her medication when she switched to a healthy vegan diet. Read her story.
Alexandra's Story: No more UC after discovering healthy vegan meals
Alexandra Newman, is a Personal Trainer and a Food for Life Instructor. She battled with Ulcerative Colitis for most of her life before discovering a plant based diet. Her doctors tried to convince her that a diet change wouldn't have an effect on her gut health, and she had the honor of proving them wrong. Today, she is healthy, fit, active and no longer suffers from Colitis flairs.
"I am the type of person that once I make up my mind about something it will take a tsunami to change it! Really, I see things as very black and white so once I settled in my mind that this is the healthiest way to eat and I saw the very positive change it made in my body, I resolved to stay with it forever. I truly believe that it is the way we are designed to nourish our amazing bodies."
Through PCRM, Alexandra helps others like her to cure their ailments with a plant-based diet. Here's her story.
Ready to heal your body with healthy vegan meals?
Get started with MamaSezz
Healthy vegan meals are the best diet for longevity. Because anti-inflammatory foods (plant-based) reduce inflammation which causes disease, repair telomeres (which unravel with age), and slow cell aging, healthy vegan meals can slow this process. This diet prevents disease, and can increase your quality of life!
If you're interested in eating a more plant-centric diet, try the MamaSezz Detox and Reboot program with MamaSezz. Healthy vegan meals delivered, fresh.