When it’s time for PUMPKIN SPICED EVERYTHING! Take out your jackets, boots and flannels when fall has finally arrived. And what screams fall more than pumpkins? This refined sugar-free Pumpkin Spiced Shake makes a decadent dessert and healthy breakfast!
Prep Time: 5 (+ freeze bananas overnight)
Servings: 1 large shake
-1 cups of coconut or soy milk (recommended: West Soy)
-3/4 cup of canned pumpkin (ingredients: Pumpkin)
-3 dates, soaked until soft and drained
-1 tsp of pumpkin spice mix (no added sugar)
-1/2 tsp of natural vanilla extract
-2 bananas (frozen overnight)
-cinnamon to sprinkle on top
Blend until smooth
What our customers are saying
"Skeptical. I was definitely skeptical but I am very happy to say I ended being delightfully surprised! Being the only member of my household trying WFPBNO I wanted to try a service that delivered fresh, unfrozen meals that I could easily warm up and eat. Well, this was it.
Let me first say that the Lazy Lasagna was terrific! My husband even said, “What’s that - it smells really good.” It’s mine buddy back off! Lol. Seriously though, the Mac Attack, Lasagna, everything was awesome. Definitely, recommend and am going to be a repeat customer. Thank you!"
- Michele Gouveia Allen, MamaSezz Customer]
About MamaSezz
MamaSezz is the leading whole food plant-based prepared meal delivery company in the U.S. We make it easier for you to be your healthiest self by delivering hearty, fresh, ready to eat whole food plant-based meals with no B.S. (you know, Bad Stuff) right to your door.