Mamasezz Living: A Wholesome Lifestyle Blog — vitality
How You're Speeding Up The Aging Process
So this is 40+? I was talking with my friend Chuck the other day. He’s an amazing guy. In his 40s, smart (like you want him figuring out the re-entry math logistics on Apollo 13 smart), funny, and self-aware. He’s also worried about his health.His health isn’t bad, but it’s not good either. He has a few issues that he manages with medication. He “tries to eat right.” And he feels bad that he doesn’t get enough exercise.I said, “you know, Chuck, you get to be 40+ and all of a sudden you realize your health is heading in a...
Can't Poop? Try Eating Plant-Based
It’s a tough topic. Nobody wants to talk about it but it’s hands down the #1 thing people whisper to me once they’ve switched to a plant-based diet. Don’t get me wrong. There are a lot of cool things that happen to your body when you start eating this way: weight loss, clear skin, improved heart health, improved vascular health (another whispered benefit but I’ll save that for later...). But this one benefit, in particular, has people ready to scream it from the rooftops...if it weren't for polite society. Instead, it's usually a hushed, albeit excited: "I can poop!" I...