Mamasezz Living: A Wholesome Lifestyle Blog — vitality
How a WFPB Diet Drastically Changed This Doctor's Multiple Sclerosis Journey
Dr. Saray Stancic was diagnosed with MS in 1995. Today, she lives a symptom-free life. Here's how.
Holidays Derailed your WFPB Diet? No Sweat! Do This To Get Back Into the Swing of Things
Don't be hard on yourself. It happens! And these 5 steps will help you get back on track for 2021.
Tips for Caring For Your Aging Parent (Without Losing Your Mind)
Caregiving tips for the Sandwich Generation
Feeling squeezed between caring for aging parents and raising kids? Discover four indispensable tips to ease the burden and find balance in the sandwich generation journey. From fostering open communication to prioritizing self-care, unlock the secrets to navigating caregiving with grace and resilience.
Paul Chatlin: From Heart Failure to Plant-Based Hero
Paul Chatlin didn’t intend to change the world; he just wanted to get through a day without worrying about having a heart attack. But as often is the case, great pain can inspire new insights and shifts in perspective. And when this perfect storm – where catastrophe, insight, energy, and passion collide – a new and stronger future for all of us can emerge. Sick and getting sicker At 55 years old, Paul received a dooming medical diagnosis. His heart was failing rapidly. Cardiac catherization revealed one artery was 100% blocked, two others were 65% blocked. With a family history...