Recipes — sugar free

10 Kid-Approved Plant-Based Desserts for your Vegan Valentine's Day

10 Kid-Approved Plant-Based Desserts for your Vegan Valentine's Day

Children don’t need expensive gifts, or five-star restaurants to be happy; they need love, affection, and the occasional treat. 

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Give Your WFPB Diet a Flavor Boost with These Oil-Free Vegan Condiments

Give Your WFPB Diet a Flavor Boost with These Oil-Free Vegan Condiments

From ketchup to BBQ sauce, you don't have to give up old favorites just because you're following a WFPB diet.

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High Protein Savory Vegan Pancake Recipe (Gluten-Free!)

High Protein Savory Vegan Pancake Recipe (Gluten-Free!)

Think you can't get enough protein from plants? Say hello to your new go-to plant-based breakfast.

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Dairy Free Queso

Yes, Dairy-Free Queso is Real and This WFPB Recipe is Borderline Addicting

You don't have to miss out on the dishes you know and love just because you're eating healthier. The proof's in this dairy-free queso!

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